How to Modify this Template

How to Modify this Template
This template is designed to be easy to modify and customize. Here are some steps to get you started:
Fork the Repository: Start by forking the portfolio-template repository on GitHub.
Modify the Content: Update the content in the content directory to reflect your own information. You can add new blog posts, projects, and update the about.mdx file with your own bio.
Customize the Design: You can customize the design of the site by modifying the styles in the /styles directory. You can also update the color scheme, fonts, and layout to match your personal style.
Deploy the Site: Once you are happy with your changes, you can deploy the site using Vercel, Netlify, or any other hosting service. Follow the instructions provided by the hosting service to deploy your site.
Share Your Portfolio: Share your portfolio with the world! You can include a link to your portfolio on your resume, LinkedIn profile, or personal website to showcase your work**.**
By following these steps, you can easily modify this template to create your own personal portfolio. Have fun customizing and creating your own unique site!
If you want to modify the markdown components, they're found in the @/components/mdx directory. You can modify the components to add new features or customize the existing ones.
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter. I'm happy to help!
Happy coding! 🚀